Sunday, February 24, 2008

You are being watched

The Martians are still around. I've just been too darn busy to do much with them these days. Not even the screenplay has seen any action. I need a vacation....

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just for fun.

I've been able to pick up some character design projects lately. They've been a lot of fun, and the money ain't too bad either. This one isn't a commissioned project — just a character I came up with while sitting in the coffee shop one day. I really like this guy. Hope you do, too. - Edholm

Its been a while...

Yikes! I really do have to update this thing more often. I just posted an illustration I did some years ago to the NCS North Central Chapter blog. There was a run of Sherlock Holmes cartoons on the blog, so I added this one. It was a favorite from my portfolio. Hope you enjoy it.